
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Laugh in Life

Laughter is audible expression or appearance of joy, inner feelings of joy or humor. It May ensue from jokes, tickling, and other stimuli. This may occur from jokes, tickling and other stimuli. Researchers have shown Infants as early as 17 days old have vocal sounds of laughing or Laughter. It conflicts with Earlier studies indicating That Infants usually start to laugh at about four months of age. Researchers have shown infants as early as 17 days old has a vowel sound or laugh laughter. This contrasts with previous studies showing that babies usually start laughing about four months. Laughter researcher Robert R. Provine said: "Laughter is a mechanism everyone has; Laughter is part of universal human vocabulary. There are Thousands of languages, hundreds of Thousands of dialects, but everyone pretty much Speaks Laughter in the Same Way." Everyone cans laugh. Babies have the ability to laugh before They ever speak. Children Who Are born blind and deaf still retain the ability to laugh. [citation needed] Laughter researcher Robert R. Provine says: "everyone mechanism; have laughter is a universal part of human beings exist. language vocabulary of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dialects, but everyone speaks laughter in almost the same. I Laugh "Everyone can laugh .. Babies have the ability to laugh before they ever spoke Children who are born blind and deaf still retain the ability to laugh.

We will activate the motion picture projector again and not infrequently, it would lead to another pain-free interval. "
Scientists have noted the similarity in Various forms of Laughter Among Primates, the which Suggests Laughter That derives from a common origin Among primate species. Scientists have noted similarities in the form of laughter among the various primates, which showed that laughter comes from the common origin among primate species.
A very rare neurological condition has been observed whereby the sufferer is Unable to laugh out loud, a condition known as aphonogelia. A very rare neurological condition has been observed in which patients can not laugh hard, a condition known as aphonogelia.

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