Prince William & Kate Middleton

TRY imagine the last page comic HC Andersen's fairy tales. Such was the marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton: handsome prince in the real world of the 21st century finally found a beautiful princess who is kind of a family of ordinary people.
Gold ornate horse-drawn carriage through the streets filled with flags and banners. People who prosper cheerfully greeted along the way while throwing flowers to the prince with his wife who waved and smiled happily.
The procession and the bells and gempitanya same. A parliamentary democracy with a dynamic system do all it can realize the fairy tale kingdom. A few days before the wedding, the route of Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace, and the surrounding area have been closed. Police attempted to secure additional authority to ensure the security of the world's biggest event since the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in 1981 ago. The whole country feasted on a day designated as a national holiday.
The difference, in HC Andersen's comic is the last page, while in London, Friday, April 29, 2011, is a start. Properly in the real world, marriage is a beginning. Blessing married Prince William and Kate Middleton was not in St. Paul Cathedral, where his father and mother got married 30 years ago. Reportedly, that marriage is also different life paths. A country in the Pacific, Nieu, issue pictorial stamps Prince William and Kate Middleton with a hole torn in the middle.
If united, stamps were worth $ 6, 80, but people can tear it to be used separately: Prince William $ 3, $ 2 40 and Kate Middleton, 40.
And, a grandmother far Kate Middleton in a BBC documentary program on a continual light in front of the camera questioned Kate's decision to marry the royal family. The whole world knows the continuation of love Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and many who know Prince William's uncle, Prince Andrew, has split with his wife, Sarah Ferguson. However, the future of marriage is a private matter Prince William and Kate, though certainly not marriage.
Brand UK
Outside of household William and Kate, the British royal marriages can also be seen as an initial effort for the revival England on the global stage. On this the 21st century, it was not much more to remember about British citizens of the world. One of Britain's famous global brands, Manchester United, are owned by American merchants, while Jaguar and Land Rover had purchased the car industry of India, Tata. In foreign policy, still it was difficult to remove the image of Britain that trailing President George W Bush in the Iraq War and Afghanistan. In Libya today, France is more the lead even though Britain is one who spearheaded the NATO air strikes.
Clearly there are Mark & Spencer or British pop music, Adele, who managed to break the record Madonna atop the American pop charts, and literary works of Shakespeare with that still translated, staged, and so the study material worldwide, as well as TV program Pop Idol.
And, of course the United Kingdom, which may or may not be purchased by merchants from anywhere and also can not be moved overseas. Brand was already inherent in the plan of many citizens of the world tour.
Just last summer, for example, as many as 413,000 tourists go to Buckingham Palace, which opened to the public. They are who buy tickets, so not just watch for free replacement guards outside the palace. National Statistics Office also noted in the fourth quarter of 2010 recorded 7.1 million foreign tourists to the UK and almost certainly most of the pictures taken in front of Buckingham Palace.
William and Kate's wedding is expected to bring revenue 100 million pounds, just from the accommodation of tourists, foreign journalists, as well as the royal family friendly countries and their "ladies-ladies". If the calculated complete with shopping, selling souvenirs, plus other services, Visit-Britain boss Sandie Dawe revenue estimates associated with the feast day it could reach 900 million pounds, or about 5 times more than the revenue target Wonderful Indonesia 2011 within 365 days, $ 8, 3 billion.
Put the marriage between Prince William and Kate did not adahubungandenganupaya British tourism or image other than mere love story, but at the same time Britain will have another big event.
If the marriage between Prince Charles and Princess Diana was witnessed 750 million viewers worldwide, then with the progress of the Internet and various types of equipment handheld video receiver, the number of viewers on Friday, April 29 is estimated to reach 2 billion. The UK will spy by many people and there were many things in it. William and Kate's wedding is the entry gate.
In the first week of June 2012, Britain will celebrate the Year of Diamonds or sixty years of the throne of Queen Elizabeth II. Party people will be held during the full week. Although no wild segegap marriage Prince William and Kate Middleton, Queen's celebration of 60 years of power will be one moment of the amplifier for the citizens of the world to glance back to England.
Therefore, when the London Olympics opened on July 27, 2012, all citizens of the world are expected to automatically hypnotized by the British. In the spirit of community involvement, environmental friendly, and active use of all means of post-Olympics, believes London will be able to beat Beijing and other Olympic games. Arena rafting Olympic competition last week and the residents opened the public can pay to enjoy. There is also a free tour the Olympic Park via registration on the internet. As I browse the Olympic complex is being built, I heard many stories behind each building efficiency and usefulness after the Games ended.
So Britain is not China that puts its citizens marginalized for the sake of progress, nor the United States who wallow money, or the French who always look different. English is the togetherness that closely, solidarity with strong, with the figure of empire is respected, which is considered to be proven defend Britain against the Nazis in World War II (remember the movie "The King's Speech" that dominated the Oscars 2011): Britishness will return to the global stage world in the 21st century.
Local Problem
One of my co-workers, citizens of Britain, who in their 60s will ensure years of sitting in front of the TV watching Prince William and Kate's wedding. All day, the plan, he will be in front of the TV, also after Prince William and his wife with the family of Queen Elizabeth II appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Some villages even planned to hold a street party: closing the road and watch together over lunch.
Whatever the decision of each person, this royal wedding could be a kind of consolation in the midst of economic tightening. Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates that budget cuts planned coalition government spending amounted to 81 billion pounds over four years will lead to termination of employment (FLE) and a half million public sector workers. With inflation in 2011 is estimated to reach 4 percent more, then the average family in Britain would be poorer, about 600 pounds to 1400 pounds per year.
In such conditions, the events that extraordinary, such as William-Kate's wedding, is expected to boost economic and mood. Families who have decided tightening household budgets, may be moved as well for extra spending, either in the form of souvenirs and other consumer products, such as flat screen TV that is wider for the live broadcast from Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace.
And, secretly, community leaders, also hoping marriage between Prince William and Kate became a role model for young England. Central Statistics Office, the end of March, the new issue of marriage rates in the UK during 2009 to reach its lowest point since records of civil marriages performed in 1862. Only 21.3 of the 1,000 male persons aged 16 years and over who are married, down from 22.0 the previous year. Decline in marriage rates among women also decreased, from 19.9 to 19.2.
And, the Archbishop in his official speech eight days before William and Kate wedding stressing the importance of commitment of marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton. The more the weak outlook on the institution of marriage among British young people to make William and Kate quite rightly serve as role models to young people, a handsome, beautiful, rich, modern, and kind.
"William and Kate gave a commitment in public and as a young man that is realistic, they know the consequences," the Archbishop said, as quoted by The Daily Telegraph newspaper. William and Kate's wedding is just the beginning.

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